Posts Tagged ‘jellycat 2022’

Betty Corgi – The Queen’s Jubilee Jellycat!

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022

Hi everyone!

Recently we’ve been treated to a ton of new Jellycats including the new Rose Dragon, lovably chonky Ricky Rain Frog and the adorable Fun-Guy Robbie.

There are also three new birds to join the Birdling range: Birdling Blue Jay, Birdling Mallard and Birdling Pigeon.

But the one that surprised everyone was the adorable new Betty Corgi!

Betty quietly became available, which came as a shock to everyone!

She is a brand new corgi Jellycat released in time for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. She isn’t named after any of the Queen’s corgis but I’m pretty certain she is named after the Queen herself (Betty being short for Elizabeth).

She has short legs with white feet, a long body and a tiny, caramel-coloured tail.

Betty is quite possibly one of the cutest Jellycat dogs I’ve seen!

Will you be celebrating the Jubilee? Do you have Betty in your collection? Leave a comment below!


My favourite Jellycats of 2021!

Sunday, November 21st, 2021



Hi everyone!

Sorry its been a while since my last post. Things have been pretty around here lately.

I’ve been so excited by the latest releases, especially since there have been so many cats included this time! Anyone that knows me, will know that I am a huge fan of cats and love to collect Jellycat kitties!

There are also a few more that I am super excited about and would love to get hold of. I’ll list a few of my favourites below.

1. Fungi Forager Squirrel

Meet Fungi Forager Squirrel.

This little guy is soooo adorable! A squirrel carrying his own personal mushroom umbrella? Who on earth would have thought of that?!

That brings me to my next favourite…

2. Fungi Forager Bunny

Jellycat also released a Fungi Forager Bunny to go with his squirrel buddy.

For some reason, these two little forest critters remind me of a Jim Henson creation, like they could have been in Labyrinth.

3. Amore Cat Black

Next up is Amore Cat Black.

This chonky black cat it too freaking cute for words! I love his sleepy expression!

There was also an Amore Cat Cream released at the same time.

4. Bewitching Cat

Bewitching Cat kind of looks like Casper Cat’s cousin with less fur and black eyes instead of green. He looks very sweet and very huggable.

And finally…

5. Munchkin Cat

From what I’ve heard, Munchkin Cat doesn’t look as appealing the stock image above, but I want her anyway.

She was released alongside her dog counterpart, Munchkin Pup.

As you can see, many of my favourites are cats, but I’d love to hear your favourite releases from this year. Please feel free to leave a comment below and let us know!
