Posts Tagged ‘jellycat tiger’

More Jellymail!

Friday, March 19th, 2021

I couldn’t resist…I ended up with more Jellycats!

I tried, I really did! But I ordered three more Jellies from JALS. I think I need help!

This time I didn’t order any bunnies. Instead, I managed to get hold of Sherri Sheep, Birdling Kingfisher and Tia Tiger (Ok, Tia is actually for my daughter which helps to justify my spending…a bit).

That being said, they are really cute and I’m so happy with my sheep and kingfisher. My daughter is also very happy with Tia (who she carries around everywhere by her super-long tail!) so that made it even more worthwhile.

I think my favourite, if I had to pick, is probably Sherri (pictured below).

This little sheep has the perfect look. Plus, she is sooo soft! I’ve been struggling to describe what she feels like, and there is only one thing I can think of – an owl chick. I know that is very specific and not everyone will have felt the downy feathers of a baby owl, but that is pretty much what she feels like.

Do you have any of these three Jellies? Or have you had some Jellymail that you want to share? Leave a comment below!
