
Welcome to Jelly Collector!

Monday, June 29th, 2020

Hi everyone!

I’m really excited because this is my very first post on Jelly Collector!

I already run another website dedicated to Ty Beanies, called Beaniepedia, where you can track your Beanie collection. I am also a huge Jellycat fan, as are a number of members on Beaniepedia, so I’ve decided to create Jelly Collector to track your Jellycat collection too!

Jelly Collector allows you to track what Jellycats you already own or search for new or retired Jellies that are not yet in your collection. If you don’t know the name of a particular Jellycat and are trying to find out more information on it, we also have a handy search feature to help you filter by colour or animal.

I will be posting Jelly-related articles to help you keep up with the latest releases or any Jellycat news I come across that might be of interest to other collectors.

I first came across Jellycat in the shops nearly 20 years ago and the first one I bought was a blue and white funky bug, which seems like an odd choice for a young girl, but I loved him all the same and still own him to this day. I just loved how unique and quirky Jellycat toys were and how they were so different to other toys around at the same time.

Years later, like many others, I fell in love with the Bashful Bunnies range. Below is a picture of my very first Bashful Bunny, a small beige bunny I have nicknamed Flo. She started off my love of the Bashful Bunnies as they are just so adorable and there are so many different colours to collect!

bashful bunny beigeNow there are some amazingly cute Jellies available, and some really unique ones, like the fruits and vegetables in the adorable food range and Dexter the Dragon.

I hope you enjoy using Jelly Collector and stay tuned for later updates!
